Home Nutrition Seeraga Samba Rice Benefits / Jeera Samba Rice

Seeraga Samba Rice Benefits / Jeera Samba Rice

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Written by Vinod Rinas, B.S.M.S. & Medically reviewed by Dr Naveen Kumar, M.D on June 3, 2024.

Seeraga Samba rice” or “Seeraga Samba Arisi” is a tiny, aromatic, delicate and delicious rice which requires no introduction in India. Also known as “Jeera Samba rice”, or “Cumin rice” in English, the term “Samba” refers to the season (usually August to January) in which the rice is planted and grown.

This Samba rice is immensely popular and one of the costliest rices in India because of its high nutritional values and delicious taste. It is particularly used in Briyani, a delicious and favourite food among food lovers in India and some parts of the world.

There are a number of rice varieties that can be used in making Briyani, but Seeraga Samba rice gives special taste and delicacy to Briyani and it is notable for its easily digestible characteristics.

Origin of Seeraga Samba Rice

Seeraga Samba rice is largely cultivated and indigenous to Tamil Nadu (a southern Indian state), though it can be found cultivated in a few other parts of India, and some parts of Sri Lanka. Particularly, it is cultivated in Nagapattinam, Thanjavur, Trichy and some other delta districts of Tamil Nadu. Usually, it takes longer between planting and harvesting, compared to other rice varieties, taking approximately 130 days.

“Seeragam” is a Tamil word which means Cumin in English, and known as “Jeera” and so on in other languages of India. Its name reveals its origin, Tamil Nadu.

Because of its tiny size and resemblance to Cumin, it is called Seeraga (Cumin) Samba Rice. This, the words “Seeraga” and “Samba” denote its resemblance and the season of its plantation respectively.

Seeraga Samba Rice Benefits

Apart from being a delicious food, Seeraga Samba rice has numerous health benefits. This indigenous rice variety is rich in fiber, vitamin B complex, high in selenium, phytonutrients, and exhibits low glycemic level etc.

Seeraga Samba rice is said to contain these nutrients, though a more detailed research is required in this area to confirm this. As per the researches conducted on this rice variety so far, the following levels of nutrients are said to be found in 100 grams of cooked rice:

• Nutrient Composition (“∼”)

  • Calories: 130 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 28-30 grams
  • Dietary Fiber: 1-2 grams
  • Proteins: 2-3 grams
  • Fats: 0.2-0.5 grams

Not just limited to these. Continue below to know about the health benefits of these nutrients and other nutrients and minerals present in Jeera Samba rice.

Nutrients in Jeera Samba Rice

• Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are one of the main sources of energy to our body. They are a combination of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They are necessary for energy production, function of our brain, and play a significant role in metabolic processes.

In 100 grams of cooked Seeraga Samba rice, approximately 28-30 grams of carbohydrates can be found, which is significantly higher than other rice varieties. So, eating Samba rice can provide extra energy to our body.

• Proteins

Proteins are molecules that are important for various bodily functions such as the acceleration of metabolic reactions, giving structure to cells and organisms, moving molecules from one part to another part of the body, and DNA replication.

According to studies, 100 grams of cooked Samba rice contains around 2-3 grams of protein. An average of 70 kg requires approximately 56 grams of protein everyday. This may differ depending on the age, weight and health condition of an individual. Consumption of Seeraga Samba rice may help you to fulfill 30-40% of protein requirement everyday (if you eat at least 600 grams a day).

• Dietary Fiber

Dietary fiber is important for digestive health. It improves digestion, relieves constipation, and helps to regulate bowel movements. These issues may lead to piles formation in course of time. Dietary fiber is necessary to prevent these health issues.

A normal individual needs 25-30 grams of dietary fiber everyday. In 100 grams of cooked Samba rice contains, we get upto 2 grams of dietary fiber which is around 10-15% of the daily requirement of an individual.

If a normal individual can consume 600 grams of cooked Samba rice every, he/she will get more than 50% of recommended amount everyday.

• B Vitamins

Seeraga Samba rice contains considerable levels of B Vitamins. Vitamin B6, thiamin, and niacin are some of the B vitamins found in this rice. B vitamins are important for cells health, brain function, red blood cells production, energy production, nerve function, digestive health and healthy eyesight.

Researches suggest that this rice contains a considerable level of B Vitamins. Consumption of Seeraga Samba rice everyday may help to get these health benefits. However, more research is needed in this area to confirm the presence and amount of B Vitamins in this rice.

• Other Benefits

Similarly, a few studies in India suggest that this rice has more health benefits apart from these aforementioned; importantly it is gluten-free, low in fat, exhibit low glycemic index, contains minerals such as iron, potassium and magnesium, and contains antioxidants that can protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

FAQs: People Also Ask

Q: Is Seeraga Samba Rice Good For Weight Loss?

Primarily, this rice exhibits a very less amount of fat, but higher amount of calories (around 130-170 kcal) in 100 grams of cooked Samba rice.

Moreover, it can help to stabilise harmonal fluctuations caused by thyroid gland, beneficial in blood pressure regulation, and help to maintain cholesterol levels in our body, as suggested by various studies in India.

Because of all these reasons, it is commonly believed that Seeraga Samba rice can help to maintain optimal weight.

However, no solid study results are there to prove its potential to reduce weight. But, it is a wonderful alternative to other rice varieties because of its rich nutrients and minerals. Yes, without doubt, it is an ideal food on your table.

Q: Is it good to eat Seeraga samba rice daily?

Seeraga Samba can be a wonderful choice for rice and rice-related food lovers since it’s rich in vitamins and minerals. Its rich fiber content helps for digestive health, carbohydrates help for energy production, protein accelerate metabolic reactions and so on.

It is used in Pongal, Briyani and many other popular dishes in India for its delicious taste, rich aroma and magical power of energy production. It is already in the culture of India, particularly in the south India.

Nothing more needed to prove that it is an ideal food that can be taken everyday. However, it is better to follow a limitation on the consumption because, as with all other foods, over-consumption may cause some health issues.

Q: What is special about seeraga samba rice?

Jeera Samba rice, as already mentioned, contains considerable levels of carbohydrates, protein, dietary fiber, and essential minerals like potassium, magnesium, and so on. Apart from these, it is also low in fat, gluten-free, and good source of antioxidants, selenium and phytonutrients.

These vitamins and minerals can help fighting various health issues and imbalances. Also it is delicious, and exhibit flavour-absorbing properties that make it wonderful options for your rice-related dishes.

Q: Is Seeraga Samba Rice Better than Basmati Rice?

Most people in India used basmati rice for the preparation of briyani dish in the past. But, there are other alternatives also. Seeraga Samba rice came to replace basmati rice at a point of time.

Unlike basmati rice, Seeraga Samba rice can easily absorb flavours of the masala and spices that makes Samba briyani a rich aromatic, delicious food.

Moreover, Samba rice is less fluffy when compared to basmati rice. Basmati rice is used in some specific dishes while Samba rice can be used for the preparation of more dishes.

The price of both these rice varieties are more or less same. Both rices have its own uniqueness that makes it difficult to decide which one is better.

Q: Can Diabetic Patients Eat Seeraga Samba Rice?

Jeera rice has a very low glycemic index. Some studies suggest that it glycemic index of 51. If the number is high, it can increase the blood sugar levels. Foods with a glycemic number between 1 and 55 are considered to exhibit “low GI”, and if it is between 56 and 69, it is considered “medium GI.”

This rice comes under “low GI” category which makes it an ideal food for diabetic patients. However, the amount of rice taken everyday should be monitored to ensure that it doesn’t exceed certain limits and it is also necessary to consult a healthcare professional before deciding the foods on your own.

Q: Is Seeraga Samba and Jeera Samba same?

Seeraga Samba rice is various known in various languages and locations of India. In English, it literally translated Cumin rice or Cumin Samba rice. It is also known as Jeera Samba rice, Jeera rice, Jeeraga Samba rice, and Zeera rice.

The words “Seeraga”, “Jeera” and “Zeera” all mean “Cumin” in English. So, Seeraga Samba and Jeera Samba are one and same. It is called “Seeraga” Samba because of its resemblance to “Seeragam”, that is “Cumin”.

Q: What is the GI for Seeraga Samba Rice?

The “GI” stands for “Glycemic Index”. Seeraga Samba exhibit a lower glycemic index of 51. This helps to maintain sugar and glucose levels in our body.

Low GI means slow absorption of sugar in our blood. High GI leads to speedy absorption of sugar into blood, early digestion and rapid increase in blood sugar levels. In turn, this will lead to health issues, particularly diabetes.

Fortunately, Jeera Samba rice is an ideal food for everyone to control blood sugar or glucose levels because of its “low GI”.

Q: Is Seeraga Samba and Chitti Muthyalu same?

Apart from various names mentioned earlier, it is also known as Chitti Muthyalu and Gobindo Bhog rice in Telugu. Chitti Muthyalu literally translates little pearls in English. Again, because of its tiny size, it is known in this name in Andhra Pradesh.

Similarly, “Govindo Bhog”, Bengali words, means “an offering to Lord Krishna”. “Govindo” refers to Lord Krishna. Seeraga Samba is considered an ideal offering for Lord Krishna. So, Chitti Muthyalu and Govindo Bhog are others names for Seeraga Samba rice.

Q: Is Seeraga Samba Rice Easy to Digest?

Jeera rice is easy to digest because of its rich dietary fiber content. In 100 grams of cooked Samba rice, we get around 2 grams of dietary fiber.

So, Seeraga Samba rice is easy to digest whether you incorporate into briyani and other dishes.

Q: How to cook Seeraga Samba rice?

Cooking Jeera Samba rice is very easy. However, when you are making Briyani, it is essential to know the rice water ratio for a perfect cooking.

The perfect ratio of Seeraga Samba and water is 1:1.30; if you take 1 cup of rice, it is advisable to add 1.30 cups of water. This ratio may differ depending on the vessel or plot you take for cooking.
