Australia by AD Hope is a popular poem in which the author presents a critical view of his country. Hope is a poet, essayist, critic and teacher. American…
‘The Elevation of the Depressed Classes’ is an invigorating speech delivered by Gopal Krishna Gokhale at the Dharwar Social Conference on 27th April, 1903.
‘Self Portrait’ is one among AK Ramanujan’s many poems which deals with identity, here ‘loss of self-identity’. It’s an ‘introspective poem’.
‘Obituary’ by AK Ramanujan is a poem written on the death of the speaker’s father. He explains here how his father’s death has affected his family, particularly himself.
In this poem, A River, AK Ramanujan makes a comparison between old and new poets, the tendency of new poets to plagiarize the old poets and their coldness…
Written by AK Ramanujan, the poem ‘Looking for a Cousin on a Swing’ is about the poet and her cousin -her immature sexual encounter with her cousin when she…
‘Still Life’ is a very short minimalistic poem written by AK Ramanujan. Though the poem is simple and short, its impactful and poignant description make the poem phenomenal.
A. K. Ramanujan was born in 1929 in Mysore. He attended D. Bhanumaiah’s High School and Maharaja’s College affiliated to University of Mysore in the Indian state of Karnataka; and later
“The Book of the Duchess” is a long poetic piece in Middle English written by Geoffrey Chaucer in memory of Blanche who succumbed to the Black Death in 1368.
Sir Patrick Spens is an ancient Scottish folk ballad by an anonymous author, dating back to 13th century. It was first documented in Sir Bishop Thomas Percy’s “Reliques of Ancient English Poetry” (1765).