Home Nutrition Karuppu Kavuni Rice Benefits in English: Black Rice

Karuppu Kavuni Rice Benefits in English: Black Rice

by Litinbox

Written by Vinod Rinas, B.S.M.S. & Medically reviewed by Dr Naveen Kumar, M.D on May 21, 2024.

Karuppu Kavuni rice (simply Kavuni rice or Kavuni Arisi) has numerous health benefits. It is known as black rice, purple rice, forbidden rice or Emperor’s rice in English. It is called black rice or purple rice because of its black-purple colour.

Karuppu Kavuni rice contains various potential nutritional values including protein, fiber, iron, and above all, high level of antioxidants when compared to other varieties of rice.

Karuppu Kavuni Rice

  • Black rice is known as “forbidden rice” because it was forbidden for people in ancient China because of its high nutrients, reserving it exclusively for royalty.
  • “Anthocyanin” is the pigment responsible for the black-purple colour of the Karuppu Kavuni rice, which exhibits antioxidant properties.
  • Today, black rice is utilised in numerous dishes (including the black rice pilaf, salad, and black rice & chicken stir fry) around the world because of its unmatched nutritional potentials.
  • There has been a significant surge in demand for black rice in recent years because it is packed with considerable amount of nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants making it one of the most sought-after food among the health-conscious individuals.

Here are the important health benefits of Karuppu Kavuni rice or black rice.

• Nutrients in Karuppu Kavuni Rice

Black rice is high in several nutrients like protein, iron, carbohydrates, and calories. While other varieties of rice can also exhibit these nutrients, the levels are considerably higher compared to other rice varieties.

For instance, Karuppu Kavuni rice contains around 9-10 grams of protein per 100 grams, while other varieties exhibit below 6 grams.

Iron: Black rice contains 13% of DV (Daily Value) in 100 grams. Iron is an important mineral our body needs for growth and development. In addition to this, iron is important for hemoglobin and myoglobin production. Hemoglobin carries oxygen to all parts of our body from lungs, and myoglobin provides oxygen to muscles.

Carbohydrates: In 100 grams of Karuppu Kavuni rice, around 70 grams of carbohydrates can be found. Carbohydrate is significant to maintain digestive health, preserve muscles, disease prevention, promote sleep, and so on.

Antioxidants: Apart from iron and carbs, Karuppu Kavuni rice has the highest antioxidant activity compared to all other rice varieties. Antioxidant is important to protect our cells from oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Interesting studies suggest that the black rice contains around 23 types of antioxidants including flavonoids and carotenoids.

Anthocyanin: Anthocyanin is a pigment found in Karuppu Kavuni rice that makes black in colour. Anthocyanin has potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties.

Calories: In addition to these, calories are high in black rice. Approximately 340 calories found in 100 grams of Karuppu Kavuni rice.

• Health Benefits of Black Rice

Study results suggest the following health benefits of Karuppu Kavuni rice. However, more intensive studies require to ensure these benefits of black rice as most of these conducted in animals.

Heart Health: Antioxidants like flavonoids have been associated with heart health. In addition to this, anthocyanin in black rice can help improve cholesterol levels in our body. An interesting study suggests that an 80 mg anthocyanin capsule a day for 12 weeks significantly helped maintain both HDL and LDL cholesterol levels. High LDL cholesterol level is associated with heart disease.

Blood Sugar Regulation: Studies conducted in animals suggest that the Karuppu Kavuni rice can have positive impact on blood sugar regulation. Karuppu Kavuni rice is a good source of anthocyanin as already mentioned. Anthocyanin may help reduce blood sugar levels and it will be helpful for people with type 2 diabetes.

NAFLD: Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is toxic accumulation in liver in people who drink extremely less alcohol or no alcohol. NAFLD is associated with obesity, high LDL cholesterol levels and diabetes. A study conducted in mouse suggest that black rice added to a high fat diet significantly helped reduce liver fat accumulation.

Anti-cancer: Karuppu Kavuni rice can have anti-cancer properties while more intensive research is needed to confirm this. Some studies suggest that higher intake of anthocyanin may be associated with a lower risk of certain cancers, including colorectal cancer, although more research is required to confirm this.

• Karuppu Kavuni Rice Benefits for Pregnancy

Common issues pregnant women would face during pregnancy are constipation and indigestion. Fiber content in Karuppu Kavuni rice can prevent constipation during pregnancy and promote digestion.

In addition to fiber and protein, Karuppu Kavuni rice is also a good source of vitamin B1, B2, and folic acid, which are all significant during pregnancy. Folic acid is important for DNA and RNA production.

However, it is paramount to consume it in limited quantity as part of a healthy diet as it can cause bloating and gas in some individuals during pregnancy period.

• Karuppu Kavuni Rice Benefits for Weight Loss

Karuppu Kavuni rice contains a significant level of protein and fiber. Both are important for weight management as they can reduce craving for unhealthy snacks and thus reducing the consumption of fatty foods.

A study conducted on 40 women with excess weight produced a good result. They were given a mix of black and brown rice 3 times a day for 6 weeks. At the end, it was found that it significantly reduced weight compared to other rice varieties.

Additionally, Karuppu Kavuni rice has a lower glycemic index which can regulate blood sugar levels and reduce appetite for unhealthy foods.

Note: It is important to include it as a part of a healthy diet, and merely a balanced diet may not help weight loss without necessary physical activities.

• Karuppu Kavuni Rice Benefits for Babies

Is black rice good for babies? Yes, it is good babies. Rich nutrients in black rice like iron, fiber, protein, and antioxidants are beneficial for the growth and development of babies.

Pregnant women can eat it for baby growth and mother’s health maintenance.

Before adding black rice into the diet, it is important to consult a healthcare professional or paediatrician on including it during pregnancy, however.

Children can eat it in any form for boosting immunity, preventing indigestion and constipation, and reducing oxidative stress.

• Karuppu Kavuni Rice Benefits for Hair

Due to its rich vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, Karuppu Kavuni rice is believed to have benefits of hair growth, nourish the scalp, and strengthen hair follicles.

People believe it is beneficial for hair because of its antioxidant properties which can reduce oxidative cell damage.

Some people use the rice water gained from rinsing Karuppu Kavuni rice for rinsing hair as it is thought to improve hair texture.

However, research evidence supporting these claims is limited. It may produce expected results in some individuals and may not in others.

FAQs : People Also Ask

Q: Can we eat Kavuni Rice everyday?

Yes, we can eat Kavuni rice everyday as part of a balanced diet. But, like any food, it’s advisable to consume it moderately as part of a healthy diet so that we can get wide range of essential nutrients.

Additionally, when you have dietary restrictions, it’s always important to consult a healthcare professional before incorporating Karuppu Kavuni rice into your diet.

Karuppu Kavuni rice is beneficial for people of all ages. It produces no side effects. However, it may cause bloating if you consume it excessively.

Q: What is the benefits of Karuppu Kavuni Rice?

Karuppu Kavuni rice is rich in antioxidants, such as anthocyanins, and high in nutrients that can promote heart health by lowering LDL cholesterol levels, prevent indigestion and constipation, aid weight management, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Karuppu Kavuni rice is rich in fiber, protein, and antioxidants. Fiber is essential for digestive health, whereas the antioxidants can protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Q: Is Karuppu Kavuni rice good for liver?

While there is a general belief that Karuppu Kavuni rice is a nutritious food with potential health benefits, there is no evidence that it can directly contribute to liver health.

However, because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it may indirectly contribute to liver health if we take it as a part of a healthy diet.

Patients with liver problems can focus on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats. It’s equally important to limit the consumption of processed foods, alcohol, and excessive intake of saturated and trans fats.

Consulting with a healthcare professional is essential for individuals suffering liver issues.

Q: Is black rice better than brown rice?

Black rice (Karuppu Kavuni rice) can be better than brown rice in some ways and vice versa. Both have some unique nutritional values, so one is not necessarily better than the other. Let’s compare both:

Vitamins and Minerals: Black rice is rich in nutrients and antioxidants, particularly anthocyanins. These offer a number of health benefits as mentioned earlier in this article. On the other hand, brown rice is rich in vitamins and minerals, including magnesium and B vitamins.

Glycemic Index: Brown rice typically has a lower glycemic index compared to white rice. On the other hand, black rice also exhibit a lower glycemic index than white rice. However, it can vary depending on the variety.

Availability and Cost: Brown rice is less expensive compared to black rice not due to its nutritional values, but because of its availability. Black rice is costlier because it is hardly available. This may change in future because, to meet the increasing demand in recent years, people cultivate more black rice nowadays.

Q: What is the difference between black rice and forbidden rice?

Forbidden Rice and Emperor’s Rice are other names for black rice. Black rice is otherwise known as forbidden rice because it was forbidden to common people in ancient China reserving it only for aristocracy.

Due to its rich nutrients, it was forbidden for all but aristocracy and wealthy and powerful people. Thus it got its name.

Q: Is black Kavuni rice hot or cold?

Black Kavuni rice is a neutral food and like any other rice it doesn’t have a cooling or heat-inducing effects.

It is temperature-neutral, means, we can utilise it both in cold and hot dishes, depending on our personal preference.

Q: Is black rice high in sugar?

Sugar content in Karuppu Kavuni rice is zero. The remaining carbohydrates in Karuppu Kavuni rice consist of starch.

Additionally, Karuppu Kavuni rice is an excellent dietary choice for people with diabetes. The phenolic compounds in black rice may help reduce blood glucose levels.

Q: Will Karuppu Kavuni rice reduce weight?

Karuppu Kavuni rice can be beneficial for weight loss for several reasons:

Rich in Fiber: Karuppu Kavuni rice exhibit significant level of dietary fiber. Fiber can reduce calorie intake.

Less Calories: Black rice is relatively low in calories. Less calorie intake can be beneficial for weight management.

Slow Down Digestion: Dietary fiber content in Karuppu Kavuni rice slows down the digestive process. This can help reduce blood sugar levels and prevent sudden spikes.

Karuppu Kavuni rice can be a part of a healthy diet aimed for weight management. The preparation method of black rice recipes can create an impact on overall nutritional profile.

Q: What is the disadvantage of black rice?

There are many advantages and a few disadvantages of black rice. Moderation is the key. When we overeat black rice, it may cause problems like gas and abdominal pain in some individuals.

Pregnant women, people above forty, and individual taking medicines must take it moderately to avoid such issues.

Q: Does black rice whiten skin?

Though the black rice contains skin brightening properties, there is no evidence that it can whiten skin. It is a great source of vitamin B, which may help skin brightening, since vitamin B in black rice can help reduce hyperpigmentation and dark spots.

Further, the antioxidants protect skin from pollution and UV rays. It can delay ageing skin and wrinkles.

How to cook Black rice?

Unlike other rice varieties, cooking Karuppu Kavuni rice is not that easy. It takes much longer time to cook the rice. After cooking black rice, we can incorporate into many dishes as per the personal preference. Let’s see how to cook the black rice:

  • Wash the rice in water 2-3 times.
  • Then soak it in water for 8-10 hours (or soak it overnight in water).
  • Cook it for 20 minutes and turn off the stove. Let it in the boiling water for 30-60 minutes.
  • Then, again cook it for 10-15 minutes.
  • Or, directly cook it using cooker letting it for 8-10 whistles.
  • After it becomes soft, you can add it to any dishes as you like.
  • Karuppu Kavuni rice is good for making porridge, payasam and so on.